All CGHS beneficiaries and their dependents are issued individual photo ID plastic cards with a unique beneficiary ID number that must be presented at each service point in order to access the facilities. Beneficiaries are responsible for the safe custody of their CGHS Cards and are required to notify the police and CGHS authorities in the event of a card loss. A duplicate CGHS card can be obtained in the event of a lost card by submitting an application to the concerned Additional Director along with a copy of the FIR for a fee of Rs. 50/-.
In case of pensioners:-
In addition to 1 to 4 above:
If the card is to be issued on an annual renewal basis, the amount of the Demand Draft will be for a contribution due for one year, and for ten years if a whole life card is necessary.
Parents (or parents-in-law in the case of female employees), unmarried sons up to the age of 25, dependent unmarried/widowed/divorced/separated daughters and sisters, and minor brothers are deemed dependent on the Government employee if they are normally residing with him and their monthly income from all sources, including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit, is less than Rs. 9000 +DA. This criterion does not apply to either the husband or the impaired son, regardless of age (please see definition of disability in instructions for filling CGHS card)
In the case of serving employees, the application must be submitted through the department following proper approval. Pensioners must submit an application with attachments to the Addl. Director (HQ) in Delhi and the concerned Addl. Director of the city.
Along with his pension papers, a serving employee can apply for a pensioner CGHS Card.
The application, along with any attachments and a bank draft, should be sent to the CGHS through the employee’s office. The pensioner card will be issued on the day of retirement (if it has been applied for for at least six weeks prior to the retirement date) and will be activated the following day.
The card can be applied for online at or on the CGHS website at
However, there is currently no provision for uploading supporting papers. After submitting the application online, the applicant must print it and send it along with supporting documentation (duly endorsed by the Head of the Department/Office in the case of serving staff) to the Additional Director HQ in Delhi or the Additional Director in other cities.
Pensioners living outside of the CGHS coverage area can get a standard CGHS card or an IPD (Indoor treatment) CGHS card with a set medical allowance (instead of OPD treatment) from a neighbouring CGHS city. IPD cardholders will not be able to receive OPD treatment or medications from CGHS Wellness Centers.
When the application for a CGHS card is approved by the CGHS Card Section, the applicant receives an acknowledgment letter with the card number and the Ben IDs of all family members. After one month of application, the plastic cards are available at the cardholder’s parent wellness centre.
In the meanwhile, the acknowledgement letter can be utilised to use the Wellness center’s services.
Beneficiaries can also print their own cards and those of their dependents online using the Beneficiary login. This e-CGHS Card is the electronic version of the Plastic Card. After downloading the card in PDF format, the recipient can print it in colour and laminate it for future use.
The beneficiary or family members can print their cards by following the procedures below.
A beneficiary can use his or her eCGHS card to access health-care services. If necessary, the HCOs can check the beneficiaries’ credentials using the computer database and the beneficiary ID number.