Learn how to start and manage your small business, and find local support if you need help.
If you want to start a new business, the Small Business Administration (SBA) can help. SBA’s 10-step guide explains how to plan, launch, and manage your business.
As you grow your business, it’s important to understand taxes, how to hire and manage employees, and your legal responsibilities. SBA's Business Guide can help you manage day-to-day operations and prepare for success.
Businesses need money to start and grow. And they may need money to recover after a disaster. There are no federal grants for starting a business. But small business owners can get money in different ways. This includes using personal funds, finding investors, or taking out loans.
The SBA also has funding for groups such as:
If you own a rural business, you can find support to start, expand, or maintain your farm or rural business. Resources include:
The SBA provides free or low-cost counseling and training. You can: