Film health and safety form
Film Production Health and Safety Manual
There are a lot of people working on every film or TV production. As the producer, it's your job to keep them safe. Make sure they all have a copy of this Film Production Health and Safety Manual.
- filming in and around vehicles (cars, aircraft, trains),
- working with animals,
- excavation, demolition, construction,
- firearms and other weapons,
- hazardous â„ toxic substances,
- cranes, hoists, elevating platforms,
- lighting and electrical safety,
- outdoor, wilderness and water locations,
- personal protective gear and clothing,
- stunts and special effects,
- fire, smoke and fog.
Implementing health and safety measures not only reduces accidents and injuries, it may lower your insurance premiums. The Film Production Health and Safety Manual should be part of every production company's employee documentation.
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Film Production Standard Operating Procedures
Make sure all your cast and crew know what the standard operating procedures are for your film production. Write them up using this customizable template which covers procedures for:
- approvals;
- day calls;
- overtime and upgrades;
- daily production reports;
- purchases and purchase orders;
- petty cash and check requisitions;
- payroll and time sheets;
- personal vehicle and box â„ kit rentals;
- recoverable assets;
- promotions;
- per diem and incidentals on out-of-town locations;
- traffic accidents and tickets;
- cell phones;
- office supplies and furniture;
- safety and personal injury;
- production loss or damage;
- lost or stolen property.
You could write up your own set of Standard Operating Procedures for the production. Or you can buy and download this one and save yourself countless hours of work. Tough decision, huh?
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Loss and Damage Report for Film Production
If any items or equipment on a film shoot are lost or damaged, this Loss and Damage Report form should be filled out and submitted to your department head.
- Crew members can use the Loss and Damage Report to file a report of theft, loss or damage to sets, props, costumes, tools, set dressing, greens or equipment during the film shoot.
- The form will then be used as backup documentation for an insurance claim.
- The report lists the person(s) responsible (if known) and any witnesses to the incident.
- The department head is responsible for submitting the report to the production manager.
- The Film Production Loss and Damage Report form is an essential part of the insurance claim documentation. Download this free sample and give copies to all departments.
- Available in MS Word format and fully editable so you can customize it to fit your needs.
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Casting Sheets for Principal Actors and Extras
Write up a casting sheet for each of principal actors and extras in a film or television production with these template forms.
- A casting sheet must be completed for each member of the cast and kept on file with the business office.
- The file contains two templates:
- one for principal actors,
- one for bit players and extras.