As the corresponding or submitting author, you can track the progress of your article online via Your Submission (login required). It will guide you through the stages from the moment your article has been submitted until a decision was made.
Every step is described and will let you know whether any action is required, which you can then perform as appropriate by clicking on the respective manuscript, leading you to the submission system.
You can also access it via the starting page of your Springer Nature Profile where you will need to login and navigate to "Your Research". Scrolling down, you will find the section called "Your research", which is separated into two tabs "Submitted" and "Published":
research section showing the Submitted and Published tabs." width="" />
Depending on your selection, you will either see the statuses of your submitted manuscripts or already published articles. If your manuscript has been accepted but does not yet appear in the "Published" section, it may still be in the Next steps for publishing your article or in production. Once published, please allow around one week for your article to appear under the "Published" tab.
Please note that the email address you are registered with under your Springer Nature Profile needs to match the email you used during submission.
To learn what happens after submission, please check Editorial process after submission.
If you have any further questions regarding your article submission and its status or your submission is not visible, please check the contact mentioned in the submission system or Who to contact with publishing enquiries.
Upon publication, the corresponding author will receive an email including a link to their downloadable article PDF.
All authors can also use our SharedIt feature to view and share their published article, outlined in Content sharing.
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